Missionary Training Center – Shekinah

Missão Novas Tribos do Brasil trains its career missionaries in central Brasil. At their campus they provide cross cultural, linguistic, and missiological training for missionaries who will use those skills in planting churches among indigenous groups across the Amazon and

Communidade Peniel – Amazonas

From the missions team: Our team is in the beginning stages of its church planting efforts among the “K” people, deep in the Amazon Jungle. The realities of a larger team (two new families joining a single missionary) necessitated

Acre Well Projects

The state of Acre is one of the most remote states in Brazil and is deep into the Amazon Jungle. It borders Peru and has many ethnic groups which have never received the Gospel. Digging wells in Acre is

Pakuwa Well Dig

In 2022 we hired a local team to do a hand dug well at the request of the Pakuwa village leaders but the well dig was unsuccesful. Pakuwa was a new village location just downriver from the primary village and

Manilha Well Recovery

Two wells have been dug in this community in the passed but none are currently providing water. We would like to recover the well and rebuild the water distribution system so that this small road community in Amapá can

Help us Grow

Help us grow the Amazon Water Project so we help more missionaries.

We are expanding